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Recent Work

A friend liked my band stand ‘project’. I said it’s not a project it’s just what happened to be  there.

I have walked past there many times since, thinking, I should add to my 'project', but not a lot has been happening there- maybe I've just missed it! 

Balable Clubs

A club for people diagnosed with balance movement problems, 

with  Ataxia, Huntington's, MS, Parkinson's Disease and other Neurological Disorders.

Where the focus is on health rather than illness 

A Health and Activity Club

Meditation, Movement, Voice, Gardening, Cooking, Good Food and Good Company,

Balanced and Able.

Proposition Studios  2021. 

From January to June 2021, I had a studio, TWANG, in the centre of London where I  played music, and wrote stories .  TWANG was  on the 12th floor in the old LWT tower on the South Bank  overlooking the Thames. The tower was due for demolition so four floors were converted  to artist studios.  I took one from Jan to June 2021...most days I was walking from my Marylebone home to my empty studio  and commenting on the changing city in lockdown through a journal of text and images.... This writing  became London Walks 2021. 

Movement work related to Ataxia, 2022

Using the release based and contact improvement based movement knowledge I learned with Mary Fulkerson and Steve Paxton and my subsequent work with Ralf Ralf the dinner group and other situations, with physical and vocal awareness as a basis, I have been developing movement and sensory awareness work applicable to all bodies.

The Forms of Silence - workshop at Nomadic School, Portugal, 2022

A residency in June 2022 in Faversham Kent, for eight days where I immersed my self in developing movement work and relearning guitar in relation to looking at the neurology of my Ataxia.

Working with Marta Wengarovius and Maria Lusitano in Portugal in August 2022 looking at various forms of Silence and Sensory Awareness.

Helping with Maria Lusitano' residency where the visual art world meets a small Portuguese village and where generosity and spirituality overides the drawbacks of living together in small space.

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